
Welcome to IDC 2022

We are pleased to announce the 21st edition of the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference. This year’s edition will be held on June 27-30, 2022, in a hybrid format. IDC is the premier international conference for researchers, educators and practitioners to share the latest research findings, innovative methodologies and new technologies in the areas of inclusive child-centered design, learning and interaction.

The theme for ACM IDC 2022 is “Connectedness” with a focus on the role of design and interactive technology in promoting and sustaining connections with fellow humans (parents, family, friends, community, and beyond) and with our broader ecological world. As the scope of technology impacts almost all aspects of life, IDC is interested in many forms of interaction including tangible, virtual, mobile, and mixed reality. We encourage submissions that discuss different degrees of  “connectedness” and that anticipate concerns of privacy, ethics, equity, social and emotional wellbeing, sustainability, and healthy human development.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Braga
