Full & Short Papers

Conference Overview & Theme

We are pleased to announce the 23rd annual ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) Conference to be held on June 17-20, 2023 at TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands. IDC is the premier international conference for researchers, educators and practitioners to share the latest research findings, innovative methodologies and new technologies in the areas of inclusive child-centered design, learning and interaction. The overall theme is inclusive happiness.

Areas of Interest

  • Designing the future of technology for and with children
  • Designing for sustainability (environmental, institutional, developmental, social etc)
  • Equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice as it relates to the lives of children
  • Innovative interactive technology for children and its implications
  • Theoretically motivated arguments regarding interaction design and children
  • Empirical studies concerned with the interaction of children and technology
  • Methods and techniques supporting interaction design for/with children
  • Studies of the effects of technology on children’s lives and development
  • Reflective analyses on the field of child computer interaction and interaction design
  • Constructive design research for and with children
  • Studies discussing the involvement of children in the design process
  • Ethics in approaching children-computer interaction research
  • Future vision articles, discussing trends and directions for the field

Submission Types

The 23rd ACM Interaction Design and Children conference (IDC 2024) invites full and short paper submissions. 

  • Full Papers are expected to be less than 10,000 words
  • Short Papers are expected to be less than 6,000 words 
  • Word count does not include references, acknowledgments, and the mandatory “Selection and Participation of Children” section (see below)

Important Dates (Midnight in Anywhere on Earth – AoE)

  • January 17, 2024: Full and short paper abstracts due
  • January 24, 2024: Full and short paper full submissions due
  • March 18, 2024:  Author notifications
  • April 15, 2024: Publication-ready submissions due
  • June 17-20: IDC Conference

Submission Requirements

All papers should:

  • Report original work not previously published
  • Address topics relevant to technology and interaction design for and with children
  • Clearly state the contribution(s) in the paper and abstract

Papers making one clear, significant contribution to IDC topics are more likely to be accepted than those making several lesser contributions. Submissions must identify and cite relevant published work and explain how the paper furthers research within the field of Interaction Design and Children.

References and the mandatory “Selection and Participation of Children” section do not count towards the length. We encourage authors to select the appropriate length of paper based on the scope of the contribution of their research. Short papers generally have a smaller scope and/or contribution, but should not be viewed as inferior to full papers. While short papers should situate the work that is presented within relevant related literature, the literature review is likely to be less broad and less in-depth as compared to a full paper.

Submissions for review should be anonymized according to the CHI Anonymization Policy (if using LaTeX, can use the anonymous document class: https://chi2024.acm.org/submission-guides/chi-publication-formats/). Specifically, authors MUST remove their names and institutions from the manuscript heading, and they MUST NOT remove citations to their prior work. Submissions that are not anonymized, do not follow the length guidelines or are not in English will be desk-rejected.

Submissions will go through a double-anonymous, peer review process. Once accepted for publication, a light second review process might be needed.

Text generated from a large-scale language model (LLM) such as ChatGPT must be clearly marked where such tools are used for purposes beyond editing the author’s own text. While we will not be using tools to detect LLM-generated text, we will investigate submissions brought to our attention and will desk-reject papers where LLM use is not clearly marked.

All accepted IDC Full & Short Papers are ACM archival publications and will be made available through the ACM Digital Library. Publication of the paper is dependent on at least one author registering (by the early registration deadline) and presenting the paper at the conference. Contact authors of accepted papers will receive instructions on how to prepare and submit a final version by the Publication-Ready Deadline. If the authors are unable to meet these requirements by the Publication-Ready deadline, the Papers Chairs will be notified and may be required to remove the paper from the program.

Submission Format

  • Prepare your paper submission. Submissions to IDC 2024 should adhere to the CHI Anonymization Policy and use the single column ACM SIGCHI Paper Format. Templates are available for Microsoft Word, LaTeX, and LaTeX Overleaf. In order to create a single column document in LaTeX or LaTeX Overleaf, use ‘manuscript’ as an argument to your documentclass command, for example: \documentclass[manuscript, review, anonymous]{acmart}.
  • Include the required “Selection and Participation of Children” section (see below)
  • Register your paper’s title, abstract (150 word max), and list of authors in the Precision Conference System (PCS) by January 17, 2024. 
  • Under “Submission Type”, indicate the kind of paper you are submitting:
    • Full Papers are expected to be less than 10,000 words
    • Short Papers are expected to be less than 6,000 words
    • Word count does not include references, acknowledgements, and the mandatory “Selection and Participation of Children” section (see below)
  • Submit your paper as PDF via the Precision Conference System (PCS) by January 24, 2024.

Optional: Supporting files, such as videos or source code, may be included. You may submit a link to a video hosted on a service like Vimeo or YouTube. This video must also be anonymized and no longer than 5 minutes in length. Please also note that your paper must be a complete, stand-alone submission that makes sense without the video.

Selection and Participation of Children 

Designing with and for children comes with challenges and responsibilities. The IDC community is keen to include children’s voices as well as to protect their rights and promote the ethical inclusion of their perspectives in research. Papers must include a section titled “Selection and Participation of Children” in which the authors of the paper should describe how children were recruited and selected (if there were no children simply write: no children participated in this work), what consent processes were followed (i.e. did they and/or their legal guardians consent and if so what they were told), how they were treated, how data sharing was communicated, and any additional ethical considerations. This section should also include information regarding the ethical approval process implemented by the authors (if any). This subsection will not count towards the length limit. NOTE: Even if this information is elsewhere in the paper, this section is still required. You should place this section before the references. Examples can be seen in IDC 2019, IDC 2020, IDC 2021, IDC 2022 and IDC 2023 proceedings. Submissions that do not include this section will be desk-rejected.

ACM Guidelines

By submitting your article to an ACM Publication, you are hereby acknowledging that you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications Policies, including ACM’s new Publications Policy on Research Involving Human Participants and Subjects. Alleged violations of this policy or any ACM Publications Policy will be investigated by ACM and may result in a full retraction of your paper, in addition to other potential penalties, as per ACM Publications Policy.

Please ensure that you and your co-authors obtain an ORCID ID, so you can complete the publishing process for your accepted paper. ACM has been involved in ORCID from the start and we have recently made a commitment to collect ORCID IDs from all of our published authors. The collection process has started and will roll out as a requirement throughout 2022. We are committed to improve author discoverability, ensure proper attribution and contribute to ongoing community efforts around name normalization; your ORCID ID will help in these efforts.